strange build error

Jonathan Gibbons Jonathan.Gibbons at Sun.COM
Fri Apr 11 16:03:53 UTC 2008


I find the ":" in "(sun/font:FontManager$4$1.class)" somewhat  
strange.  It might be worth checking CreateSymbols to see if that is  
just an artifact of the error message, or if it is indicative of the  

Have you tried using javap or similar disassembler to see if they can  
read (all) the FontManager*.class files sucessfully?
That would help determine whether this is a problem in javac (which  
generated the class files) or CreateSymbols (which is reading them).

If nothing else, can you make the FontManager*.class files available  
for us to look at?

-- Jon Gibbons
(javac engineer)

On Apr 11, 2008, at 2:25 AM, Mark Wielaard wrote:

> Hi Roman,
> On Fri, 2008-04-11 at 10:36 +0200, Roman Kennke wrote:
>> while developing on my Innovators Challenge project, I came about the
>> following build error:
> It is easier if you at least include the error/warnings in the email:
>        error: bad class file: sun/font/FontManager$4$1.class(sun/ 
> font:FontManager$4$1.class)
>        bad enclosing method attribute: sun.font.FontManager$4$1
> It does look like something generated a bad class file there. Most
> likely javac, since this looks like coming from
> sun/font/ So your best bet would be to ask the javac
> hackers (compiler-dev). The error comes from
> Cheers,
> Mark

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