[WXP] MakeDeps: generation of the vcproj file
Francis ANDRE
francis.andre at easynet.fr
Sun Apr 13 15:29:38 UTC 2008
Using MakeDeps, I am trying to setup the msvc_2003 vcproj file for building the
jvm and I am facing some problems of configuration. Can someone drop an example
of use?? or a more detailed explanation of the command line arguments than those
given by the usage() as below (AFAIK, platform-name=WinGammaPlatform does not
work and -dspFileName neither)
makeDeps platform-name platform-file database-file [MakeDeps
args] [platform args]
makeDeps diffs platform-name old-platform-file old-database-file
new-platform-file new-datab
ase-file [MakeDeps args] [platform args]
where platform-name is the name of a platform MakeDeps supports
(currently "WinGammaPlatform" or "UnixPlatform")
MakeDeps options:
-firstFile [filename]: Specify the first file in link order (i.e.,
to have a well-known function at the start of the output file)
-lastFile [filename]: Specify the last file in link order (i.e.,
to have a well-known function at the end of the output file)
WinGammaPlatform platform-specific options:
-sourceBase <path to directory (workspace) containing source files; no
trailing slash>
-dspFileName <full pathname to which .dsp file will be written; all parent
directories must alread
y exist>
-envVar <environment variable to be inserted into .dsp file, substituting for
path given in -sourc
eBase. Example: HotSpotWorkSpace>
-dllLoc <path to directory in which to put jvm.dll and jvm_g.dll; no trailing
If any of the above are specified, they must all be.
Additional, optional arguments, which can be specified multiple times:
-absoluteInclude <string containing absolute path to include directory>
-relativeInclude <string containing include directory relative to -envVar>
-define <preprocessor flag to be #defined (note: doesn't yet support
#define (flag) (value))>
-perFileLine <file> <line>
-conditionalPerFileLine <file> <line for release build> <line for debug build>
(NOTE: To work around a bug in nmake, where you can't have a '#' character in
a quoted string, all
of the lines outputted have "#"prepended)
-startAt <subdir of sourceBase>
-ignoreFile <file which won't be able to be found in the sourceBase because
it's generated later
-additionalFile <file not in database but which should show up in .dsp
file, like includeDB_core
-additionalGeneratedFile <environment variable of generated file's
location> <relative path to d
irectory containing file; no trailing slash> <name of file generated later in
the build process>
-prelink <build> <desc> <cmds>:
Generate a set of prelink commands for the given BUILD
("Debug" or "Release"). The prelink description and commands
are both quoted strings.
Default includes: "."
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