OpenJDK README-builds.html changes

Kelly O'Hair Kelly.Ohair at Sun.COM
Thu Apr 24 17:28:22 UTC 2008

I'm fixing a few problems in the OpenJDK README-builds.html file, the
original can be seen here:

A few of the bugs and rfes I'm working on are:
   6563616: Clarify instructions for unpacking openjdk binary "plug"
   6590549: Cygwin build of OpenJDK has problems and not very well documented
   6611685: Incorrect link to CA certs info from build README
   6682167: Add cygwin faq to README-builds.html

I'll attach the new README-builds.html file.

It's not easy to do a code review of html files, and in this case I have
gone through the raw html with the NetBeans html editor and made sure the
syntax is accurate, indented, and free of deprecated html usage.
So there are lots of syntax changes, less actual content changes.

I would appreciate comments, but admit in advance that I will probably
not be able to add everything people ask for.

In any case, take a look, let me know what you think.
Keep in mind I am NOT an html expert, so anyone that is should not
laugh too hard when they look at the raw source. ;^)


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