Building on Win 2008

Erik Trimble Erik.Trimble at Sun.COM
Fri Aug 1 16:58:56 UTC 2008

Kelly O'Hair wrote:
> Anthony Petrov wrote:
>> Hi Kelly,
>> On 07/31/2008 10:58 PM Kelly O'Hair wrote:
>>> So no plugin code, no installation bundle code, etc.
>> Right. But all the currently opensourced code was buildable at that 
>> time.
>>>>  From this point it was clean: VS2005ExpressSP1 + Platform SDK for 
>>>> Win2003R2 + DirectX SDK June 2007 + cygwin. Nothing else.
>>> That sounds right then. (I assume you also dealt with the manifest 
>>> issue?)
>> Yes, I manually created the *.exe.manifest files (see 6523947 for the 
>> workaround).
>>> Sounds right. But be careful doing any plug and play with a jvm.dll.
>> One needs to build the hotspot first, and then use the 
>> ALT_HOTSPOT_IMPORT_PATH to point the j2se makefiles to the correct jvm.
>>>> Until they get opensourced, the community doesn't need to worry 
>>>> about their compatibility with Express, does it?
>>> Remains to be seen. We have no control over this compiler and
>>> cannot predict what happens with each Express compiler release.
>> Frankly, we don't have much control over the Professional compiler as 
>> well. So I don't see any significant difference between the free and 
>> commercial editions of VS from this point.
> In one case we can insist on a fix because we paid good money for it,
> in the other you can only ask and wait.
> The difference is in the support level you get.
> I would always expect to see a greater concern about customer 
> satisfaction
> with a purchased product over a free one.
> -kto
>> -- 
>> best regards,
>> Anthony

The other major concern is that I can count on the VS Professional I buy 
today to be the EXACT same one I bought 3 years ago. I'm not sure that I 
can download the same Express one all the time.   We've had this problem 
with using the MS SDK, as finding the one we use (April 2003) to 
download now is a big issue, as MS has issued updated ones in the 
meantime.  This isn't so much a problem for Sun, as we keep copies lying 
around, but for our Community-at-large, who need the ability to find the 
tools we specify when doing a build of their own.

Erik Trimble
Java System Support
Mailstop:  usca22-123
Phone:  x17195
Santa Clara, CA
Timezone: US/Pacific (GMT-0800)

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