package org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable does not exist
Max (Weijun) Wang
Weijun.Wang at Sun.COM
Sat Aug 2 03:21:00 UTC 2008
I rebuilt control build, still the same error.
Then I tried Kelly's ORG_OMG -> org_omg patch, this time I see what
Florian said:
class file for
not found
So I guess Kelly is right about the changed behavior of javac.
Although his patch gets CORBA_2_3 back, there are still other classes
On Aug 2, 2008, at 11:04 AM, Brad Wetmore wrote:
> Kelly, Tim and I have been working on it this afternoon.
> Kelly, these two data points are very interesting.
> Max wrote:
> > I pull from JSN (not JSN gate). I've added BUILD_CORBA=false recent
> > days. I'll try resync all repos and do a full build tonight.
> and Florian wrote:
> > With your patch, I end up with this error:
> >
> > warning: package javax.transaction does not exist
> > warning: package org.omg.SendingContext does not exist
> >
> e:
> I discovered a difference in the CORBA builds on my machine vs.
> Tim's. Tim's is missing 24 files in the build/solaris-sparc/corba/
> classes directory, including all of the classes/packages Florian
> just reported. Full list below.
> Max is also seeing it and he's only got the JSN gate. (JSN gate is
> a "child" of the TL gate, not the MASTER.)
> \
> TL (Tim/Kelly are seeing it)
> \
> JSN (Brad is not)
> \
> Max (Max is seeing it)
> I think it's something about the build environment that's
> triggering this bug. I'm using all of the SWAN defaults for paths
> with the exception of ANT_HOME=/java/devtools/share/ant/latest.
> I'm seeing that as soon as the build enters corba/make/org/omg/
> CORBA, our builds are diverging wildly.
> Tim canceled his TL integration into the MASTER until we have a
> better handle on what's going on.
> Brad
> < com/sun/corba/se/impl/copyobject/JavaStreamObjectCopierImpl.class
> < com/sun/corba/se/impl/dynamicany/DynValueBoxImpl.class
> < com/sun/corba/se/impl/dynamicany/DynValueCommonImpl.class
> < com/sun/corba/se/impl/encoding/IDLJavaSerializationInputStream
> $MarshalObjectInputStream.class
> < com/sun/corba/se/impl/encoding/IDLJavaSerializationInputStream
> $_ByteArrayInputStream.class
> < com/sun/corba/se/impl/encoding/IDLJavaSerializationInputStream.class
> < com/sun/corba/se/impl/encoding/IDLJavaSerializationOutputStream
> $MarshalObjectOutputStream.class
> < com/sun/corba/se/impl/encoding/IDLJavaSerializationOutputStream
> $_ByteArrayOutputStream.class
> < com/sun/corba/se/impl/encoding/
> IDLJavaSerializationOutputStream.class
> < com/sun/corba/se/impl/ior/iiop/JavaSerializationComponent.class
> < com/sun/corba/se/impl/orbutil/GetPropertyAction.class
> < com/sun/corba/se/impl/protocol/giopmsgheaders/
> LocateReplyOrReplyMessage.class
> < com/sun/corba/se/org/
> < com/sun/corba/se/org/omg/
> < com/sun/corba/se/org/omg/CORBA/
> < com/sun/corba/se/org/omg/CORBA/ORB.class
> < com/sun/corba/se/spi/legacy/interceptor/ORBInitInfoExt.class
> < com/sun/corba/se/spi/monitoring/MonitoringConstants.class
> < com/sun/corba/se/spi/presentation/rmi/PresentationDefaults.class
> < com/sun/corba/se/spi/transport/CorbaConnectionCache.class
> < javax/transaction/InvalidTransactionException.class
> < javax/transaction/TransactionRequiredException.class
> < javax/transaction/TransactionRolledbackException.class
> < org/omg/DynamicAny/DynValueBox.class
> < org/omg/DynamicAny/DynValueBoxOperations.class
> < org/omg/SendingContext/
> < org/omg/SendingContext/RunTime.class
> < org/omg/SendingContext/RunTimeOperations.class
> Max (Weijun) Wang wrote:
>> I pull from JSN (not JSN gate). I've added BUILD_CORBA=false
>> recent days. I'll try resync all repos and do a full build tonight.
>> Max
>> On Aug 2, 2008, at 2:39 AM, Brad Wetmore wrote:
>>> Max, are you pulling from the current JSN gate or something
>>> else? I had no problems with last night's nightlies.
>>> If you're pulling from the master, I expect Tim will integrate
>>> tonight and sync TL with the latest MASTER. I'll pull them down
>>> into JSN at midnight and should have results the next morning.
>>> Brad
>>> Kelly O'Hair wrote:
>>>> Humm...
>>>> Now I'm seeing this all of a sudden too from a control build.
>>>> Did anyone figure this out?
>>>> I don't think the corba repository has changed much. :^(
>>>> -kto
>>>> Kelly O'Hair wrote:
>>>>> What do you mean "build the whole openjdk"? What directory are
>>>>> you in when
>>>>> you do the 'make'?
>>>>> -kto
>>>>> Max (Weijun) Wang wrote:
>>>>>> Strange, if I go into corba/make and call gnumake, the
>>>>>> generated classes.jar includes those files. However, they are
>>>>>> not there if I build the whole openjdk.
>>>>>> Max
>>>>>> On Jul 31, 2008, at 1:13 PM, Max (Weijun) Wang wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi All
>>>>>>> I cannot build JDK on Linux (Ubuntu 8.10) now. gnumake fails
>>>>>>> inside jdk/make/java/management, complaining
>>>>>>> package org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable
>>>>>>> does not exist
>>>>>>> import org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable.InputStream;
>>>>>>> ^
>>>>>>> What's happening here?
>>>>>>> I've noticed classes.jar and inside build/corba/dist/
>>>>>>> lib. CORBA_2_3 sources are found in but classes
>>>>>>> missing in classes.jar. Could this be the reason?
>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>> Max
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