OpenJDK b33 and IcedTea

Jonathan Gibbons Jonathan.Gibbons at Sun.COM
Thu Aug 28 12:49:21 UTC 2008


I'll see what I can find out for you.

-- Jon

On Aug 28, 2008, at 2:27 AM, Mark Wielaard wrote:

> Hi Jonathan (and hi CC compiler-dev, which I hope is the right
> mailinglist for these javah/jni questions),
> Maybe you saw these questions/discussion already around the openjdk
> javah JNI headers generated for static final constant fields. Which
> fields are eligible and which encoding is used in the generation. I  
> was
> hoping you might know the answers since you recently worked on the
> openjdk javah implementation. It seems that either the openjdk javah
> version doesn't strictly follow the jni specification, or the jni
> specification/book (I never know which one is authoritative) isn't
> completely clear on the exact rules here since other javah
> implementations seem to differ on the details of which fields and how
> things get encoded. If someone could enlighten us that would be
> wonderful.
> Original context here for:
> - selection of fields to encode unclear
> - encoding rules unclear
> Thanks,
> Mark

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