Heads Up: JDK 7 Linux platforms moving to Fedora 9
Kelly O'Hair
Kelly.Ohair at Sun.COM
Fri Dec 19 22:21:49 UTC 2008
The JDK7 early access binary snapshot builds are built from the
OpenJDK7 sources, plus additional files and repositories we either
cannot or haven't opened up yet (for various reasons).
This build process has been created over the years around the Sun
JDK product releases, the official build process takes many hours
and involves things like virus scans etc.
Not sure it's worth exposing, seems low priority to me anyway.
Other than the freetype font logic (and maybe the sound code that
is coming in at some point), there is little in the OpenJDK7
sources NOT built by the formal Sun JDK7 builds.
To guarantee that a OpenJDK7 build only contained OpenJDK7
we would have to do a completely separate build.
Justifying this is difficult when the standard open source
procedure is to effectively roll-yer-own, not use any built bits
from Sun.
Mark Wielaard wrote:
> Hi Kelly,
> On Fri, 2008-12-19 at 11:39 -0800, Kelly O'Hair wrote:
>> These are not official product binaries but early access binary
>> snapshots, you can't expect these binaries to be perfect by any
>> means. They are also not OpenJDK7 builds but JDK7 builds.
> What is the difference between these kinds of builds? Would it be hard
> to expand these snapshots to include OpenJDK? If you already happen to
> have an automated build setup around could you share it so others can
> also use it?
> Thanks,
> Mark
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