Wiki page for OpenJDK Build pages

Kelly O'Hair Kelly.Ohair at Sun.COM
Sun Feb 10 23:49:21 UTC 2008

Kelly O'Hair wrote:
> That's for adding the report.
   Thanks  .... was what I meant to type. Clumsy fingers. ;^)


> Yes, I did a little re-organization, I'm a little unfamiliar
> with this particular wiki format and rules.
> I think anyone can edit and contribute pages to existing
> spaces, and I can (as BigAloha) add spaces relating to
> OpenJDK if people think a new one is warranted.
> -kto
> Jonathan Springer wrote:
>> Andrew John Hughes wrote:
>>> On 09/02/2008, Kelly O'Hair <Kelly.Ohair at> wrote:
>>>> FYI...
>>>> I started a wiki page for OpenJDK Build issues at:
>>>> It should be setup for anyone to add pages or edit them.
>>>> -kto
>>> I notice that the content of this page at the moment is a bug report
>>> about an x86_64 build issue with b24.  I recall from when I first
>>> tried to build IcedTea that the current build then (b15 I think)
>>> didn't work on x86_64 either, including the pre-built version from
>>> Sun.  Are builds tested on x86_64 because a lot of obvious problems
>>> seem to be slipping through the net?
>> (I added that report.)  It may be worth mentioning that that was the
>> only build problem I ran into; it otherwise seemed to work fine.
>> BTW, looks like the page has been renamed by Kelly as part of adding
>> some structure.  The new top link is:

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