New question: new build?
Kelly O'Hair
Kelly.Ohair at Sun.COM
Thu Feb 21 04:13:08 UTC 2008
There has been accumulated work on jdk7 and on going work, didn't mean to
imply otherwise. But some of the infrastructure teams like the release
engineering team (and to some degree me) need to juggle our time between
the jdk7, openjdk6, and various update releases.
Not everyone has to juggle like this, there are teams working mostly on
jdk7 work.
Openjdk6 has an immediate schedule we need to meet, and it's very likely that anything
done to Openjdk6 to 'open' it up will transfer to openjdk7 too, so there
is likely some benefits to openjdk7 here.
Ted Neward wrote:
> This isn't a criticism aimed at you, Kelly, but that last statement sounds
> pretty ominous--is there any forward work on JDK7 taking place at all? Why
> the prioritization of OpenJDK6 over JDK 7? Or is that a
> mischaracterization/misread on my part?
> Ted Neward
> Java, .NET, XML Services
> Consulting, Teaching, Speaking, Writing
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Kelly.Ohair at Sun.COM [mailto:Kelly.Ohair at Sun.COM]
>> Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 9:07 AM
>> To: Ted Neward
>> Cc: 'build-dev'
>> Subject: Re: New question: new build?
>> Once the repositories open up it may take a week or two for the
>> changes to propagate from the team areas to the master area.
>> At that point the release engineering team will probably create
>> some kind of schedule for the builds going forward, historically
>> 1 or 2 weeks apart, but sometimes it's based on the availability
>> of testing resources. And they may have their hands full with
>> dealing with the OpenJDK6 work right now, which makes predictions
>> very difficult.
>> -kto
>> Ted Neward wrote:
>>> When can we expect to see a b25 or b26 drop?
>>> Ted Neward
>>> Java, .NET, XML Services
>>> Consulting, Teaching, Speaking, Writing
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