Problem building b24 on Win32

Kelly O'Hair Kelly.Ohair at Sun.COM
Wed Feb 27 19:43:57 UTC 2008

I (and others) have been able to reproduce this on our own, but
I'm still not sure what the problem is.

Suspects are:
   * GNU make VPATH issue (in the makefiles or make itself)
   * C:/ vs. /cygdrive/c path issue
   * buggy find.exe? (Not sure why this would cause this problem)
   * something related to OUTPUTDIR and the short paths

Just so people know, it is being investigated, just proving tricky
to isolate.


Phil Issler wrote:
> I'm getting an error during a fastdebug_build of OpenJDK b24. 
> corba, jaxb, jaxws, hotspot all build OK, then I receive the following
> during the build of jdk:
> <snip>
> C:/Prg/MSVS2003/Common7/Tools/../../Vc7/Bin/rc /l 0x409 /r  -d
> "J2SE_BUILD_ID=1.7.0-internal-fastdebug-Phil_02_feb_2008_15_31-b00" -d
> "J2SE_COMPANY=" -d "J2SE_COMPONENT=OpenJDK Platform SE binary" -d
> "J2SE_VER=" -d "J2SE_COPYRIGHT=Copyright \xA9 2007" -d
> "J2SE_NAME=OpenJDK Platform SE 7 " -d "J2SE_FVER=7,0,0,0" /D
> "J2SE_FNAME=hpi.dll" /D "J2SE_INTERNAL_NAME=hpi" /D "J2SE_FTYPE=0x2L"
> -Foc:/Prg/OpenJDK/jdk7/build/WINDOW~2/tmp/java/hpi/windows_threads/obj_gO/hpi.res
> c:/Prg/OpenJDK/jdk7/jdk/src/windows/resource/version.rc
> c:/Prg/OpenJDK/jdk7/jdk/src/windows/resource/version.rc(58) : warning
> RC4003: not enough actual parameters for macro 'STR'
> make[6]: *** No rule to make target
> `c:/Prg/OpenJDK/jdk7/build/WINDOW~2/tmp/java/hpi/windows_threads/obj_gO/linker_md.obj',
> needed by `c:/Prg/OpenJDK/jdk7
> /build/WINDOW~2/tmp/java/hpi/windows_threads/obj_gO/.files_compiled'.  Stop.
> make[6]: Leaving directory
> `/cygdrive/c/Prg/OpenJDK/jdk7/jdk/make/java/hpi/windows'
> make[5]: *** [all] Error 1
> make[5]: Leaving directory `/cygdrive/c/Prg/OpenJDK/jdk7/jdk/make/java/hpi'
> make[4]: *** [all] Error 1
> make[4]: Leaving directory `/cygdrive/c/Prg/OpenJDK/jdk7/jdk/make/java'
> make[3]: *** [all] Error 1
> make[3]: Leaving directory `/cygdrive/c/Prg/OpenJDK/jdk7/jdk/make'
> make[2]: *** [jdk-build] Error 2
> make[2]: Leaving directory `/cygdrive/c/Prg/OpenJDK/jdk7'
> make[1]: *** [generic_debug_build] Error 2
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/cygdrive/c/Prg/OpenJDK/jdk7'
> make: *** [fastdebug_build] Error 2
> Not sure what to try at this point.  Any suggestions welcome.
> Phil Issler

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