Problems with ALT_OUTPUTDIR in debug build

Volker Simonis volker.simonis at
Thu Jan 10 18:25:45 UTC 2008

I would suggest to fix the top-level  Makefile such that
and doesn't append "-$(DEBUG_NAME)" to ALT_OUTPUTDIR like so:


We will than always end up with two directories like so:


if we used "ALT_OUTPUTDIR=xxx".

"xxx-fastdebug" will always be empty (but needed if I follow your
previous post) so we can remove it after the build. But the user will
get the output in the directory he specified with ALT_OUTPUTDIR and
that seems crucial to me.

What do you think?


On 1/10/08, Kelly O'Hair <Kelly.Ohair at> wrote:
> Your final paragraph I think is the answer:
>    "In my eyes, the cleanest solution would be if ALT_OUTPUTDIR would be honoured
>     "as is", as the output directory for everything we built, without anything
>     appended to it. So the developer should be free to choose whatever he wants as
>     the output directory. And there should be no additional directories created."
> The ongoing problem has been how to make this work in all cases.
> But I'm all for it.
> The generally accepted default for an output directory has been a ./build or
> ./dist directory at the top of the source tree you are building.
> With corba, jaxp, jaxws, langtools, hotspot all being independently buildable,
> what exactly are you recommending to fix this?
> -kto
> Volker Simonis wrote:
> >>> Any comments if this is the right way to do a debug build?
> >> If it works it's fine. I usually just run 'make debug_build', does that not work?
> >>
> >
> > It works, but it has the problems that I detailed in my first mail.
> > Did you also read that one?
> > I may seem that my second mail contained the solution for the first
> > one, but that's not true, its justa partial workaround for the problem
> > described in the first one:
> >
> >
> >
> > Thanks and regards,
> > Volker

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