RFC: architecture define probably masks variable names in header files
Ted Neward
ted at tedneward.com
Wed Jan 23 22:00:15 UTC 2008
I won't speak for them, but based on Kelly's comments, you may be the guy on
the spot to do that verification. :-)
Isn't open source fun? :-)
I would suggest this: do a grep looking for where that macro is used, and
see if removing it entirely has any detrimental effects. That is, pull it,
do a build, then run the jtreg test harness and see what breaks. (I don't
know of any other comprehensive unit test suite for the JDK beyond jtreg.)
If that passes, diff the sources, send 'em to... Kelly? This list? Somebody
else or someplace else? And others can verify that they're not seeing
breakage either.
That's how I'd do it, anyway, in the absence of some more official guidance
from Sun.
Ted Neward
Java, .NET, XML Services
Consulting, Teaching, Speaking, Writing
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christian Thalinger [mailto:twisti at complang.tuwien.ac.at]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2008 1:20 PM
> To: Ted Neward
> Cc: 'build-dev'
> Subject: RE: RFC: architecture define probably masks variable names in
> header files
> On Wed, 2008-01-23 at 11:14 -0800, Ted Neward wrote:
> > This may be an area where you have to implement the fix and submit it
> as a
> > patch, because I can see the developers at Sun not having the
> bandwidth to
> > take time away from the other things they're working on to take care
> of this
> > themselves--they're horribly underresourced (if you'll pardon the
> > verbization) from what I understand.
> >
> > What change would you suggest, and how deeply would it ripple through
> the
> > code base?
> Well, the problem I see is, I don't know the historical reasons how
> stuff was done and I don't know where these defines are used. A grep
> can help here, but the knowledge of a long-year Sun employee would
> definitely help a lot.
> Of course I can try to make a patch, but definitely I'll need help to
> verify that what I've done is correct (btw. IcedTea people will also be
> of great help here).
> - twisti
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