RFC: architecture define probably masks variable names in header files

Kelly O'Hair Kelly.Ohair at Sun.COM
Thu Jan 24 21:27:45 UTC 2008

If it's not used, I say OFF WITH IT"S HEAD!  ;^)


Alan Bateman wrote:
> Kelly O'Hair wrote:
>> I very much suspect that this -D$(ARCH) could be removed with no 
>> consequences.
>> The difficult part would be verifying it.
>> C macros are a very powerful tool, but some of the global names we 
>> have chosen
>> over the years have come back to haunt us. :^( 
> src/solaris/hpi/native_threads is one place that seems to depend on 
> $(ARCH) being defined. That code is part of the HPI "Thread" interface. 
> As I recall, HotSpot doesn't use the HPI's "Thread" or "Memory" 
> interfaces and so this code probably hasn't been used since the 
> transition to HotSpot back in 1.3.
> -Alan.

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