[NEW BUG] Running jtreg tests on NetBSD

Jonathan Gibbons Jonathan.Gibbons at Sun.COM
Mon Jul 7 11:40:24 UTC 2008


It is a long term goal to replace as many shell tests as possible in the 
repository, typically with Java equivalents.  For the short term, 
Martin's suggestion
is a good one. I'd be happy to work with you on short or medium term changes
if you want to help.

-- Jon

Martin Buchholz wrote:
> Of course, the non-portable constructs in the shell scripts come from
> a long term mindset of "if it's not solaris or linux, it must be windows."
> Better would be "if it's not windows, it must be unix"
> Very compactly (untested):
> case "`uname -s`" in
>  Windows* | CYGWIN*) NULL=NUL PS=";" FS="\\" ;;
>  *) NULL=/dev/null PS=":" FS="/" ;;
> esac
> This would be a pervasive change.
> Martin
> On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 6:51 PM, Alex Potanin
> <Alex.Potanin at mcs.vuw.ac.nz> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am working on the javac extension and I tried to run the javac tests in
>> the OpenJDK's latest Mercurial repository.
>> em daqsh w3.org
>> I see that a few of them contain the following in the shell scripts:
>> # set platform-dependent variables
>> OS=`uname -s`
>> case "$OS" in
>>  SunOS | Linux )
>>    NULL=/dev/null
>>    PS=":"
>>    FS="/"
>>    ;;
>>  Windows* )
>>    NULL=NUL
>>    PS=";"
>>    FS="\\"
>>    ;;
>>  * )
>>    echo "Unrecognized system!"
>>    exit 1;
>>    ;;
>> esac
>> Since I use NetBSD, my 'uname -s' returns NetBSD.
>> I had to add "| NetBSD" to the "SunOS | Linux" line to fix the test scripts
>> so that they don't return "Unrecognized system!".
>> Some of the affected scripts are:
>> tools/javac/4846262/Test.sh
>> tools/javac/6302184/T6302184.sh
>> tools/javac/ClassPathTest/ClassPathTest.sh
>> But there are others that I can find if required (I suspect grepping will do
>> a good job).
>> I was wondering if it can please be fixed to take NetBSD into account or
>> whether there is a better way of fixing this?
>> Thanks,
>> Alex.

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