Need Reviewers - OpenJDK README-builds.html

Dan Fabulich dan at
Thu Jul 10 06:11:28 UTC 2008

IMO, this document should not make any predictions about make 3.82, which 
is not yet released.

Last time I researched the "C:/" problem, the developers had said that 
"C:/" paths were defective and that they deliberately pulled support for 
them because they were too much hassle to support in cygwin.  They 
recommended using MSYS make instead.

Here's where they explain their position:
> > Was this a deliberate break with backwards compatibility?
> Yes. See <>. 
> If you are using a POSIX-like "OS" (i.e. Cygwin), you should be using 
> POSIX paths. That's not an inconvenience, that's called writing a bad 
> makefile. If you aren't using Cygwin for the POSIX environment, you 
> should be using MinGW.
[aka MSYS make]

Kelly O'Hair wrote:

> Attached is a diff and an updated OpenJDK README-builds.html file.
> If anyone has the time to review the changes I would appreciate it.
> The bugs fixed are:
> 6704966: OpenJDK README needs additional info on  how to build freetype
> 6704968: OpenJDK Build README is missing ant requirement
> 6704973: OpenJDK Build readme needs cygwin package list improvements
> 6462815: cygwin's gnumake 3.81-1 does not support MS-DOS path names
> And the environment variable list is sorted.
> -kto

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