Howto build with debugging symbols?

Dmitri Trembovetski Dmitri.Trembovetski at Sun.COM
Thu Jul 10 23:23:51 UTC 2008

   Hi Regina,

   set FASTDEBUG=true to enable debug symbols (with compiler
   optimizations enabled), or DEBUG=true to get a build with
   compiler opt. disabled (and I believe a debug runtime will
   be used on windows in this case as well).

   I recommend using FASTDEBUG=true - the resulting binaries
   are much faster than DEBUG and are useful for most
   debugging applications.

   You can also mix and match optimized and fastdebug binaries.

   Suppose you have an optimized build - you can then
   rebuild part of the workspace with FASTDEBUG so that
   only some libs will be recompiled with debug symbols
   (there are some exceptions to this, but mostly it should

   For example,
    #> cd jdk/make/sun/awt
    #> gnumake FASTDEBUG=true
   will build awt libraries with debug symbols, while the rest
   of the binaries will be optimized.


Regina Anger wrote:
> I am hacking inside the JRE native libraries just for fun,  having 
> troubles to track a crash down.
> Is it possible to build OpenJDK with debugging symbols included in 
> external native libraries like, and if it is how can I enable it?
> Mfg regina
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