Building OpenJDK in Windows again.

Ingo Proetel proetel at
Thu Jul 24 09:14:29 UTC 2008


yes, I'm using VS2005 and creating the manifest file in the bin directory as described in the bug report works.

Kelly O'Hair wrote:
> You probably built with Visual Studio 2005 (VS2005). Correct?
> And if this is Vista you are on your own. I don't do Vista. :^(
> The official Windows compiler is VS2003, which used msvcr71.dll.
> There are various Makefile changes necessary to setup for use of
> a different runtime, in this case msvcr80.dll.
> In particular changes to the files:
>   jdk/make/common/Defs-windows.gmk and
>   jdk/make/common/shared/Defs-windows.gmk
>   jdk/make/java/redist/Makefile
> And of less importance:
>   jdk/make/common/shared/Sanity.gmk
> Just look for "msvcr71.dll" and try changing it to msvcr80.dll.
> You need the right msvcr* runtimes in the appropriate "bin/"
> directories. But that is probably not enough.
> I don't know what your error message
>   "application has made an attempt to load the C runtime library 
> incorrectly."
> means exactly. But it's possible that you are running into the
> manifest requirement that was added starting in VS2005, see
> Which is a unique issue starting with VS2005.
> Officially we are looking at changing to VS2008, which may use
> yet a different runtime library (msvcr90.dll???), but will have
> the same manifest requirement. So we will deal with that when the
> conversion to VS2008 happens.
> -kto
> Ingo Proetel wrote:
>> Hi,
>> got through the make process. But when I call 
>> build/windows-i586/bin/java I get a pop-up window telling me that the 
>> application is missing MSVCR80.dll. This dll exist at a rather obscure 
>> location in the Windows directory.
>> So I added that location to my PATH an got an error that the 
>> "application has made an attempt to load the C runtime library 
>> incorrectly."
>> Can somebody please help me with this?
>> Cheers,
>> Ingo

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