Building on Win 2008

Anthony Petrov Anthony.Petrov at Sun.COM
Thu Jul 31 08:26:38 UTC 2008

About a year ago I did build the complete Hotspot and J2SE code using 
VS2005 Express + MS Platform SDK + DirectX SDK - all downloaded for free 
from the Microsoft web-site. During building I identified some bugs (to 
name a few: 6486546, 6488751, 6523947). Some of them belonging to the 
J2SE code I've fixed myself, some were fixed by the Hotspot team. AFAIR, 
apart from the problem with the manifest files (see 6523947) I don't 
recall any unresolved issues... Are there any?

best regards,

On 07/30/2008 08:23 PM Kelly O'Hair wrote:
> We are focusing on the Professional edition first because the free
> Express edition does not include the ATL include or lib files.
> I'm not an ATL expert, but JDK builds have a dependence on it and it's
> probably not going away for quite some time I'm told.
> It's quite possible that much of the OpenJDK is very buildable with the
> free Express edition, and once we are building with the Professional
> edition, someone can see how much is buildable with the Express edition.
> -kto
> Anthony Petrov wrote:
>> On 07/29/2008 11:03 PM Erik Trimble wrote:
>>> I certainly can't speak for Sun on this.  But, I don't think there is 
>>> any immediate plans to use GCC on Windows. It would probably be OK if 
>>> someone wanted to try, but I can't imagine it being even remotely 
>>> easy.  There's just so much stuff dependent on the various Visual 
>>> Studio or MS SDK header files, that I'm almost positive you have to 
>>> install them to do the build, so why bother with GCC?  (even from a 
>>> Free Software point of view, if you can't get away from the 
>>> proprietary MS SDK/VisStudio, then compiling with GCC rather than the 
>>> MS-provided one isn't going to be really any win at all).
>> Indeed. But we should make it possible to use the free versions of the 
>> MS Visual Studio at least.
>> -- 
>> best regards,
>> Anthony

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