OpenJDK Build error on Ubuntu 8.04

David Herron David.Herron at Sun.COM
Mon Jun 2 20:38:53 UTC 2008

Tim Bell wrote:
> Hello Sam:
>>      Somebody please help me to resolve this error. Please find error
>> message in the attachment.
> [... snip! ...]
>> /home/samkraju/OpenJDK/jdk7/build/linux-i586/gensrc/java/nio/charset/ 
>> cannot find symbol
>> symbol  : class $replType$
>> location: class java.nio.charset.CharsetEncoder
>>     private $replType$ replacement;
> This is the /bin/bash versus /bin/dash issue on recent release(s) of 
> Ubuntu.
> There are a couple of related bug IDs:
> Also this thread on build-dev (at)
> The workaround (according to Martin) is 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash' 
> and answer no
> HTH - Tim
Hey, Tim, thanks.  I updated the bug with those bits of data as the 
suggested workaround.  It'll take 24+ hours for the bug update to show 

- David Herron

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