OpenJDK on Solaris Dev Express 1/2008?

Andrew John Hughes gnu_andrew at
Thu Jun 5 11:09:47 UTC 2008

2008/6/4 Kelly O'Hair <Kelly.Ohair at>:
> Not sure what you mean by the Sun Studio trap.

I'm referring back to the Java trap - before Sun released their JDK
under the GPL,
it was possible to have applications under a Free Software license
written in Java
which couldn't be run in a Free environment because they would only work under
the proprietary JDK.  GNU Classpath was the community's attempt to free Java
from this trap.

Only being able to build the OpenJDK using the proprietary Sun Studio
compiler on Solaris creates
a similar issue, though the scope of the problem is fortunately more
restricted.  I'm not sure OpenSolaris
itself can even be built with GCC, which is an even worse issue - it's
not truly Free Software if it can only
be built with proprietary tools.

> Each release of a compiler requires some kind of work to the Makefiles,
> happened with gcc4, and will happen with SS12 and VS2008.

While I can understand some changes being necessary for major releases
(e.g. the move from GCC 3 to 4),
every single release shouldn't need work; this suggest an issue with
the build system itself.

> -kto
> Andrew John Hughes wrote:
>>> GCC will NOT work under Solaris/SPARC, and I'm pretty darned sure it
>>> won't
>>> work under Solaris/x86 or Solaris/x64.   There are some significant
>>> GCC-isms
>>> which the JDK does not currently support.
>>> That said, it would not be terribly difficult to modify the source to get
>>> GCC to work, but you'd definitely have to spend a bit of time doing so.
>> Maybe the next logical campaign is to avoid the Sun Studio trap then... :)

Andrew :-)

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