OpenJDK Build error on Ubuntu 8.04

Kelly O'Hair Kelly.Ohair at Sun.COM
Thu Jun 5 14:58:00 UTC 2008

I suspect (a long time ago) they did it this way for a reason, and
in fact as I think about it, they probably wanted the version baked
into a string constant rather than reading it from a file at startup,
for performance reasons. That concern may still exist.

The whole 'generated source' situation is a bit hectic if you ask me.
I would like to see a consistent way that generated java sources are
handled, and maybe this one should just be another one of those
generated files that ends up in the tmp/gensrc area.

I completely agree than anything ending in .java should be a valid
java source file.


Jesse Glick wrote:
> Kelly O'Hair wrote:
>> these sh scripts used in the build process should be changed to be
>> something else, maybe small Java apps.
> Would also be nice to not name the version-controlled input files *.java 
> when they are not in fact valid Java source. I am referring to the 
> output of
> hg -R jdk loc -r tip '**/*-*.java' | fgrep -v
> BTW the two's seem gratuitous; could just as 
> easily put the version number into a .properties file loaded at runtime 
> by the class, rather than running a preprocessor.

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