openjdk b28 changes

Kelly O'Hair Kelly.Ohair at Sun.COM
Wed Jun 11 00:45:44 UTC 2008

Those are files used by Mercurial, and are actually managed files
in the repositories.

I could exclude them, but then I have to go down that slippery
slope of dealing with what files get filtered from the open source
bundles and which don't.
So unless these files are extremely objectionable, I'd rather leave
the source bundling logic pretty simple, including all managed Mercurial
files in the bundles.

Let me know if that's ok.


P.S. .hgignore is an exclusion list of files and directories that Mercurial
should never manage.
And .hgtags contains the Mercurial tag->changset mappings.

Dan Grove wrote:
> Hi Jon-
> Here's what I get when I unzip the b28 build:
> find . -name .hg\*
> ./openjdk/.hgignore
> ./openjdk/.hgtags
> ./openjdk/corba/.hgignore
> ./openjdk/corba/.hgtags
> ./openjdk/hotspot/.hgignore
> ./openjdk/hotspot/.hgtags
> ./openjdk/jaxp/.hgignore
> ./openjdk/jaxp/.hgtags
> ./openjdk/jaxws/.hgignore
> ./openjdk/jaxws/.hgtags
> ./openjdk/jdk/.hgignore
> ./openjdk/jdk/.hgtags
> ./openjdk/langtools/.hgignore
> ./openjdk/langtools/.hgtags
> On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 4:30 PM, Jonathan Gibbons
> <Jonathan.Gibbons at> wrote:
>> Kelly O'Hair wrote:
>>> Dan Grove wrote:
>>>> In addition, it seems that there's some new stuff that's been left  in
>>>> the tarball like this:
>>>> openjdk/langtools/.hgignore#1 - add default change (text)
>>>> openjdk//langtools/.hgtags#1 - add default change (text)
>>>> openjdk//langtools/.jcheck/conf#1 - add default change (text)
>>> Humm..  probably should not be there, but harmless. I'll CC Jonathan
>>> maybe he will do something here, or comment.
>> I've no idea what these files are or where they've come from. I've just
>> tried a fresh clean pull from tl/langtools and do not see any files like
>> these.
>> -- Jon

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