Recommended GCC version?

Erik Trimble Erik.Trimble at Sun.COM
Fri Jun 20 00:29:10 UTC 2008

David Holmes - Sun Microsystems wrote:
> Andrew,
> Andrew John Hughes said the following on 06/20/08 09:35:
>> I would hope one of the side effects of moving the JDK from a
>> proprietary to a community-based Free Software model would be that it
>> gets built, run and tested on a much wider range of platforms and
>> compilers.  This has already started to happen.
> Agreed - this is a good end goal. Meanwhile there are some 
> practicalities to address.
>> The reality is that people aren't going to download and build a
>> specific copy of GCC just for OpenJDK, and distros will certainly want
>> it to build with the GCC they use for everything else.
> But are the Distros expecting/assuming that everything will work fine 
> with their version of GCC? Who is expected to have done the testing? 
> If something goes wrong who would be expected to fix it? Would the 
> Distros patch the OpenJDK code with a workaround for their GCC 
> version? Or would they grab a known working GCC version and rebuild 
> using that?
> Right now the reality is that these alternate compiler versions have 
> not undergone extensive testing for the OpenJDK. Over time that will 
> hopefully change, but for now - caveat emptor!
> Cheers,
> David Holmes
While what Andrew says is true to a certain extent, I think it behooves 
us to act as guides. Hotspot in particular is a _very_ complex piece of 
code, and exercises (let's be honest, _stresses) a compiler far more 
than virtually any other piece of software commonly available (the Xorg 
stuff is probably the only comparable one in a standard Linux distro).   
Consequently, it is very sensitive to bugs and changes in a compiler. 

For large organizations (such as those managing a distro), it may make 
sense to put in the effort to make sure their "standard" compiler works 
with OpenJDK.   It is none too difficult for even such an org to use a 
different compiler, though.

For smaller companies and individuals, I think we (i.e. the community, 
not just Sun), should _strongly_ encourage them to pick one of the 
handful of "official" compilers, which are specified in the source 
documentation.   Downloading the appropriate compiler is trivial these 
days (via Yum or apt-get), and it avoids a whole rash of problems.   
Otherwise, folks get bogged down in trivial build problems (which, may 
turn out to be non-trivial), rather than doing what they were intending 
to do with the OpenJDK (which, is almost certainly not "adding support 
for compiler X.Y.Z").

Certainly, we should pick compiler versions which are easily available, 
and will remain so for several years.

While I love free software (in all its incarnations), one of the 
problems with running a large project is trying to "herd cats" - that 
is, setting appropriate boundaries and encouraging everyone to work 
within those boundaries, rather than just a willy-nilly free-for-all.   
In areas where it fruitful to push a boundary, the community should 
encourage it. However, there needs to be some social pressure in a 
community to discourage people from doing what I call the 
"look-at-me-I'm-cool" hack - that is, something that looks neat and may 
have been technically difficult or challenging, but really isn't useful 
(and, in many cases, carries a burden of support by the community).  
There is a non-zero cost to adding support to a codebase for any new 
feature. What the community needs to do is say that "Doing XYZ costs 
more than it is worth to community, so we will NOT accept XYZ". 

While this originally started out as a discussion around GCC, it applies 
to the other primary compilers currently used, i.e. SunStudio and Visual 
Studio.  I've run in considerable problems by applying a new Service 
pack to a Visual Studio 2003 (or, previously, VC 6), as not only 
bugfixes but behavior modifications are installed.  Running down those 
differences is a HUGE timesink.  One which I think we should avoid if at 
all possible.

Sometimes Freedom means you need to give up something to get something 
else.  In this case, I think the tradeoff is unlimited flexibility (use 
whatever compiler you want) for maintainability.  As I don't see any 
real benefit not easily obtainable otherwise by allowing many different 
compiler versions, I vote for maintainability as the more important feature.

Erik Trimble
Java System Support
Mailstop:  usca22-123
Phone:  x17195
Santa Clara, CA
Timezone: US/Pacific (GMT-0800)

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