[PATCH] Remove dependency on JScheme for generating CORBA exceptions

Joe Darcy Joe.Darcy at Sun.COM
Fri Jun 20 23:06:01 UTC 2008

Ken Cavanaugh wrote:
> Mark Reinhold wrote:
>> Andrew: Thanks for the patch!
>> The CORBA code isn't maintained directly in OpenJDK, but rather in a
>> sub-project of GlassFish (https://glassfish-corba.dev.java.net/).
>> That's why there's no CORBA Group.  (The same goes for JAXWS and JAXP.)
>> Ken Cavanaugh owns the glassfish-corba project ...
>> Ken: What's the best way to handle this?  It'd take longer if OpenJDK
>> waits for these patches to be applied to the upstream glassfish-corba.
>> Could we apply them directly in OpenJDK for now, and then sync things
>> up later?
> Yes, you should apply the patch now to the OpenJDK workspaces.
> I'll take it as a requirement to remove Jscheme from the CORBA master
> before we integrate with JDK 7.  I'll take a closer look at the
> code from the patch and adapt/replace it as needed.
> Some work will be needed because I changed the code
> generation for exception wrappers in the later versions of CORBA


I've successfully applied Andrew's patch to one of my OpenJDK 6 
workspaces.  Upon successful completion of some testing, I'll put the 
fix back into the Sun-internal OpenJDK 6 master and the fix should then 
be reflected in the next OpenJDK 6 source drop, b11.



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