Ability to override compiler from environment

Christian Thalinger twisti at complang.tuwien.ac.at
Thu Jun 26 09:25:34 UTC 2008

On Wed, 2008-06-25 at 23:14 +0100, Andrew John Hughes wrote:
> I can guarantee that configure will fail on Windows; it tests for ALSA
> and fails if it isn't found.  I think this is stopping Mac OS X and
> probably will stop OpenSolaris too so probably should be made
> optional.  twisti, how did you get round this for OpenSolaris?

- ,[AC_MSG_ERROR("motif headers were not found - 
+ ,[AC_MSG_WARN("motif headers were not found - 

-  AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not find alsa - \
+  AC_MSG_WARN([Could not find alsa - \

:-)  Of course I don't know what happens later in the build process, but
I will see when I'm finally there.

> On a side note, can someone tell me why IMPORT_BINARY_PLUGS is still
> true by default even though the SNMP plugin is optional now (and thus
> no plugs are needed).  I think the great work in making OpenJDK6
> encumbrance free has largely been missed by many people -- it took me
> a failed build and grep to work out that I needed this option which
> doesn't seem to be documented.

Yes, I missed that too.  Thanks Andrew you told me that last night.

- twisti

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