Trying to build openjdk7 under opensolaris

Kelly O'Hair Kelly.Ohair at Sun.COM
Sat Jun 28 17:01:06 UTC 2008

That one is new to me.

You may need to isolate this problem, I haven't seen it before.
Is this really SS12 or Sun Studio Express? What does CC -V say?

(The hotspot alias is hotspot-dev at, you probably should
send this problem to that alias).


Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen wrote:
> Kelly O'Hair skrev  den 28-06-2008 03:11:
>> The cc and CC also need to be in your PATH.
> Thanks, didn't think it would be so simple.
> I then got this compilation error (OpenSolaris fully updated, SS12, 
> Pentium III).  I verified that "hg update" was up to date.
> "/export/home/ravn/download/openjdk/jdk7/jdk7/hotspot/src/os/solaris/vm/os_solaris.cpp", 
> line 3689: Error: ia_nice is not a member of iaparms.
> 1 Error(s) detected.
> gmake[5]: *** [os_solaris.o] Error 1
> gmake[5]: Leaving directory 
> `/export/home/ravn/download/openjdk/jdk7/jdk7/build/solaris-i586/hotspot/outputdir/solaris_i486_compiler2/product' 
> Is this still a setup problem or is it a SS12/SS11 issue?

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