Continuous builds for OpenJDK

Jesse Glick Jesse.Glick at Sun.COM
Fri May 16 21:47:54 UTC 2008

Kelly O'Hair wrote:
> Last I looked, Hudson did not support building native code

If there's a makefile, it can run it.

> on all 8 basic platforms

There is a way to run the same build across different slaves with 
different machine architectures:

> The findbugs issue doesn't get any better with Hudson

Well of course however long it takes to run that is how long you have to 
wait. Hudson might make it a bit easier to run FB on a separate slave, 
as a downstream job, so it does not slow down other jobs.

> JPRT works on a 'on-demand' job request from a user needing to push 
> changes, the shared repository is always guaranteed to build.

So if all changesets are preverified you don't need a separate 
continuous builder for much.

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