Building OpenJDK 7 on Windows XP
Jonathan Gibbons
Jonathan.Gibbons at Sun.COM
Tue May 20 01:13:00 UTC 2008
Kelly, Max,
That list mostly covers what you need for a build (Ant does not seem to
be present, required
by langtools), but it bdoesn't cover everything you may need to work on
OpenJDK, and it
doesn't particularly encourage a single shared tree.
As Max points out, you can get by with a single setting, but the
hierarchy is somewhat
weird and betrays more than a little bit of its Sun history :-) And, as
more tools get involved,
the current system of lots of separate env variables might not scale well.
Although not required for the build, the page does not list additional
tools that may be required
for working on OpenJDK -- Mercurial, official Mercurial extensions
(forest), OpenJDK Mercurial
extensions (jcheck), other tools (FindBugs, etc)
-- Jon
Max (Weijun) Wang wrote:
> One setting is enough, if the directory structure is right:
> devtools
> share
> ant...
> findbugs...
> plugin
> mozilla_headers_18.win32...
> Windows
> DXSDK...
> re
> jdk
> 1.6.0/archive/fcs/binaries/windows-i586...
> 1.7.0/promoted/latest/binaries/windows-i586...
> (I hope the last 2 are correct)
> and, a very clean instruction:
> 1. Open the VC++.2003 Command prompt
> 2. call c:\cygwin\cygwin.bat
> 3. cd myjdk
> 4. /cygdrive/c/precious/make380.exe
> Max
> On May 20, 2008, at 2:31 AM, Kelly O'Hair wrote:
>> I tried to provide that list at:
>> Did I miss the target somehow?
>> -kto
>> Jonathan Gibbons wrote:
>>> Martin,
>>> I'd settle for just a *list* of all the tools you need, and have the
>>> JDK
>>> build able to find all the tools given a minimum of ALT variable
>>> settings.
>>> For licensing reasons, I suspect Sun cannot redistribute many of the
>>> tools,
>>> but if the user could populate such a tree, then any version of OpenJDK
>>> should be able to build with it, with perhaps just one ALT_TOOLS
>>> setting.
>>> -- Jon
>>> On May 19, 2008, at 9:02 AM, Martin Buchholz wrote:
>>>> I propose that Sun create an externally-visible tree of binaries
>>>> in the form that the JDK makefiles expect for ALT_SLASH_JAVA.
>>>> Then OpenJDK developers could copy this tree to their development
>>>> machine, set ALT_SLASH_JAVA to this directory, and most of
>>>> the sanity warnings would evaporate.
>>>> Of course, this may not be possible for everything that is
>>>> expected to be found in ALT_SLASH_JAVA. E.g. Sun compilers
>>>> probably cannot be provided this way, because of the usual
>>>> requirement to have click-through licenses?!
>>>> Perhaps Sun could aggregate a complete JDK development
>>>> environment in one mega-tarball, protected by just one
>>>> click-through license?
>>>> Perhaps Sun could provide a known-to-work copy of Cygwin
>>>> for JDK development. The Cygwin project itself doesn't provide
>>>> historic binaries, but if you install Cygwin by first downloading
>>>> everything to disk, and then installing from there, you'll have
>>>> a frozen-in-time set of Cygwin binaries that you can probably
>>>> legally redistribute later when they've gotten the thumbs-up
>>>> from Sun JDK development engineers.
>>>> Martin
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