Building OpenJDK 7 on Windows XP

Kelly O'Hair Kelly.Ohair at Sun.COM
Tue May 20 15:57:08 UTC 2008

Thanks Igor, I'll try and add that information to the OpenJDK Build README.


Igor Nekrestyanov wrote:
>>   - Freetype is new to many of us, I use a freetype that someone else 
>> built
>>     so I have never experienced building it myself.
>>     I will try and look into this and see if I can document it better.
> Original way to build freetype on windows is described here:
> However, since then several people reported they simply used VC project 
> file in the freetype source tree.
> To get project file to work with VC 2003 it has to be updated to refer 
> to VC 2003 instead of VC 2008
> - this is just 1 byte change with any text editor.
> -igor

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