Building OpenJDK 7 on Windows XP

Ted Neward ted at
Fri May 23 05:21:14 UTC 2008

Now.... check out (sorry
I didn't see your email sooner, but I've been AFK for a while), and tell me
if I left anything out of the process.

Ted Neward
Java, .NET, XML Services
Consulting, Teaching, Speaking, Writing

> -----Original Message-----
> From: build-dev-bounces at [mailto:build-dev-
> bounces at] On Behalf Of Rob Ross
> Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2008 3:43 AM
> To: Kelly O'Hair
> Cc: build-dev
> Subject: Re: Building OpenJDK 7 on Windows XP
> Well I'm happy to report I finally got the full build to work,
> although it took another 15 hours or so.
> The last two big issues I encountered:
> 1. Unfamiliarity with the freetype project, so had to figure out what
> needed to be built. This project is rather complicated. It supports
> building on at least 11 platforms, and allows for multiple compilers/
> environments on many of these platforms. There are 14 different build
> systems supported on Windows alone!
> Also, this project is highly configurable, and you can build it with
> support for many optional features. So someone from the OpenJDK
> architecture team will have to decide what is officially included in
> this library when it is built for the OpenJDK project. And the build
> code for it will have to be included in the jdk7 Makefile system.
> I was able to build it by tweaking the VC 8 file included, and
> opening in VS .Net 2003. I compiled from within VS, then ran the link
> script I found via a link in this list's archive to create the
> freetype.dll and freetype.lib. The "aha" moment was when I realized
> there were actually TWO .lib files being created, a large static one
> aroung 800K, and a smaller one around 40K. I needed to use the
> smaller one along with the dll.
> 2. This is most likely a cygwin issue, but I continually experienced
> deadlocks/starvation of the spawned gmake processes. cygwin's gmake
> seems to ignore the -j option. At any one time I could have a bash
> process, a few shell processes, and up to 9 gmake processes running.
> I could easily tell when a deadlock occurred - my computer would go
> from sounding like a jet engine to being totally quiet. Then I tried
> to guess what gmake process was the oldest (not sure if window's task
> manager sorts them by process ID or creation time, so this is just a
> guess) and killed that one, and then the build would continue, but
> obviously with errors as some task was not completed.
> I had to try to rebuild more than 5 times before it finally got
> through it all. But in the end it completed with no errors.
> java -version worked! Good start
> java HelloWorld worked! Getting better.
> Going for it, I tried SwingSet2 and Java2D demos from the 1.6 JDK..
> I did get an error in the Java2D demo complaining about missing a
> JPEG decoder, but I was too happy the build had worked to really
> worry about that right now.
> So add another success story to this list.
> Rob Ross, Lead Software Engineer
> E! Networks
> ---------------------------------------------------
> "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his
> heart he dreams himself your master." -- Commissioner Pravin Lal
> On May 19, 2008, at 8:44 AM, Kelly O'Hair wrote:
> >
> >
> > Rob Ross wrote:
> >> Hi there everyone.
> >> This will officially be my first email to the OpenJDK project.
> >
> > Welcome. I actually appreciate the email, some comments below.
> >
> >> I got to attend a couple of sessions/BOFs at JavaOne2008 about
> >> OpenJDK and my interest was piqued. I've been playing with the
> >> build for the last week. (A more accurate description would be,
> >> "yanking my hair out and cursing my computer quite often", but I
> >> supposed it's part of the learning curve.)
> >
> > You did pick the most difficult platform you know. ;^)
> >
> > These are the notes and action items I see from your comments:
> >
> > 1. assembling the prerequisite software
> >   - VS .Net 2003  -  Will be changing soon to a newer VC compiler,
> > and if
> >     at all possible the free one.
> >   - Ant is a requirement, I'll fix the Build README, findbugs is
> > not strictly
> >     a requirement, it's under discussion, I had hoped to use it as
> > part of the build.
> >     I may be removing the sanity check on findbugs.
> >   - Cygwin is a bit of a challenge, it changes/updates rather
> > often, I'll
> >     try and correct the references to the packages you mention, but
> >     it's like the different Linux packages, sometimes all I can
> > give is hints.
> >   - The Build README should have some references to the older
> > cygwin 'make'
> >     now, but I'll double check. I kind of hoped it would fix itself
> > someday. :^(
> >   - Freetype is new to many of us, I use a freetype that someone
> > else built
> >     so I have never experienced building it myself.
> >     I will try and look into this and see if I can document it
> better.
> >
> > 2. Mercurial
> >   - CVS/Subversion users seem to have trouble understanding the
> > distributed
> >     nature of Mercurial. I'd recommend looking at the first few
> > chapters
> >     of the Mercurial book:
> >
> > 3. Setting up the ALT_* environment variables
> >   - If I didn't document this I should have, my apologies, but I
> > encourage
> >     all ALT_* variables to use the C:/ style of paths, not C:\ and
> > definitely
> >     not the /cygdrive/ style paths.
> >     The makefiles try and turn the C:\ paths into C:/, but using
> > the cygwin
> >     paths are more difficult to deal with.
> >     The problem is that some of the exe's we use understand these
> > paths and
> >     some don't, almost everything understands C:/, and avoiding the
> > use of
> >     \ characters in shell scripts and Makefiles is a very sane
> > thing to do.
> >     Making matters worse, the cygwin 'make' that stopped working
> > with C:
> >     paths for a while, hopefully this gets fixed someday.
> >     Of course cygwin PATH must use ':' characters to separate
> > paths, so
> >     you have to use /cygdrive/ paths in PATH.
> >     The LIB and INCLUDE env variables belong to the VS2003 compiler
> > and
> >     they use a ';' separator and need the C:/ paths.
> >     See my blog:
> >
> >
> > I suspect that your experience with MacOS X will not be the same as
> > Windows.
> >
> > Thanks for taking the time to make the comments.
> >
> > -kto
> >
> >> I was finally able to get "make sanity" to pass this evening, and
> >> I felt quite pleased with myself. However, I have no expectations
> >> that this will actually build now - but I still consider this a
> >> milestone victory.
> >> Some of the difficulties I encountered were
> >> 1. Just assembling the prerequisite software
> >> The jdk7/README-builds.html actually does a fairly good job of
> >> listing everything needed. But I'm not a Windows developer, so
> >> finding a copy of VS .Net 2003 was a little challenging. Luckily
> >> that install process was pretty simple. The build generates a
> >> warning if Ant and FindBugs aren't locatable; those were easy to
> >> install but perhaps you should add these programs to the list of
> >> requirements in the README. Cygwin was also
> >> pretty easy to install after spending a little time reading up on
> >> it. Finding an earlier version of make (gmake) was a little hard,
> >> but I see now there are links in the mailing list archive so that
> >> would be useful to add a link to the README as well.  Some of the
> >> Categories/package names you gave for the particular cygwin
> >> utilities needed may be out of date. Zip and Unzip are found in
> >> the Archive category, not Utils as described in the README. "Free"
> >> is listed as being in Utils but it's actually part of the "procps"
> >> package, under the System category. And there isn't an "awk"
> >> implementation, but there is a gawk. Freetype was the bane of my
> >> existence for 3 days. I never could get the "stock" build scripts
> >> to work with the version you stated was needed (2.3.0), and what
> >> was available to be downloaded (2.3.5). I could not figure out how
> >> to build it from source either via DOS/windows or cygwin. So I
> >> ended up downloading the binary setup executable, which contained
> >> freetype.lib, freetype6.dll, and zlib1.dll, and a freetype.dll.a
> >> that was a red herring. I modified the Makefile for the
> >> freetypecheck tool to change the name of the expected dll from
> >> "freetype.dll" to "freetype6.dll", and added its dependent
> >> "zlib1.dll" to the copy command. Not a very portable solution I
> >> know, but I just wanted to get this thing to work! How is everyone
> >> else getting this to compile?
> >> 2. Mercurial - well, it's new, and a little more complicated than
> >> CVS/SVN, but I think I'll get the hang of it. I fcloned from the
> >> jdk7 master forest, (using the forest extension) yesterday, so I
> >> have the latest code (baring any changes in the last day). It will
> >> be a while before I even have to worry about wanting to submit
> >> anything back upstream, so I should be more comfortable with how
> >> it all works by then.
> >> 3. Setting up the ALT_* environment variables
> >> The hardest part, and mostly trial-and-error, was determining what
> >> variables needed to use the cygwin path syntax, and what needed to
> >> use the normal Windows path syntax, and what needed to be
> >> "shortcutted" by using the cygpath utility. This was mind
> >> numbingly frustrating!!!! I found an email from Tim Bell that
> >> included his sample script that was quite helpful in getting the
> >> right directories from the VS .Net 2003 install into the PATH,
> >> LIB, and INCLUDE variables, with the right syntax. As I was
> >> writing this email my initial "gmake all" build failed, due to
> >> javac not being able to find the binary plugins I had specified in
> >> ALT_BINARY_PLUGINS_PATH. It seems THAT one needs to be a java IO
> >> file path! So now there are THREE different path syntaxes in use
> >> in this script file :)
> >> Anyway, I just wanted to share my experiences building the OpenJDK
> >> 7 on Windows.
> >> Ironically, I'm only doing this to get some practice on the
> >> existing build process. My ultimate goal is to port the OpenJDK 7
> >> to Mac OS X, as a full native app. I'm doing some preliminary
> >> analysis on the existing code base to determine all calls to
> >> native methods, to get  a sense of the scope. For example, there
> >> are currently about 421 native method calls in the jdk/src/share
> >> classes. The Windows implementation classes make 210 native calls,
> >> and the Solaris implementation makes 299. But the first task would
> >> be to integrate Mac OS build targets into the OpenJDK 7 project,
> >> so it can be built on that platform. (Of course, it won't actually
> >> run without any native implementation - that's step #2.) But I'll
> >> be making a more formal presentation/declaration/request for
> >> sponsorship/ at a later time.
> >> Rob Ross
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