Building OpenJDK 7 on Windows XP
Ted Neward
ted at
Fri May 23 08:42:03 UTC 2008
Did I make a disparaging remark about Ubuntu? Didn't mean to--I agree, building on Ubuntu is far easier than building on Windows.
I haven't looked at 6 yet; I'm more interested in following along with latest developments, and possibly contributing back to the upcoming build. If I get time, though, I'll try doing a OpenJDK6 build on Windows and see how it'll work. (It shouldn't be too much different from what's there, though, since the JDK source hadn't really been modified all that much when I posted that.)
Ted Neward
Java, .NET, XML Services
Consulting, Teaching, Speaking, Writing
> -----Original Message-----
> From: at [ at] On
> Behalf Of Andrew John Hughes
> Sent: Friday, May 23, 2008 12:51 AM
> To: Ted Neward
> Cc: Rob Ross; Kelly O'Hair; build-dev
> Subject: Re: Building OpenJDK 7 on Windows XP
> 2008/5/23 Ted Neward <ted at>:
> > Now.... check out
> >
> (sorry
> > I didn't see your email sooner, but I've been AFK for a while), and
> tell me
> > if I left anything out of the process.
> >
> Hmmm... your blog doesn't seem to allow comments, so I'll say what I
> wanted to say here.
> First of all, thanks for documenting the Windows build. I've had
> enough issues building it on a sensible platform. I can't even imagine
> the horrors of building it on Windows.
> Secondly, have you looked at OpenJDK6? This is more useful to those
> who want a stable API to work against. Finally I couldn't understand
> your comments about building
> on Ubuntu; support is already much better there, with OpenJDK6 in the
> latest release and OpenJDK in the last.
> --
> Andrew :-)
> Support Free Java!
> Contribute to GNU Classpath and the OpenJDK
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