Glitch in Hotspot i486.make

David Holmes - Sun Microsystems David.Holmes at Sun.COM
Wed Nov 5 04:39:52 UTC 2008

FYI, I just opened CR 6767659

*Synopsis*: Conversion from i486 to x86 missed some entries in i486.make

=== *Description* 
In make/solaris/makefiles/i486.make we have:

# _lwp_create_interpose must have a frame
OPT_CFLAGS/os_solaris_i486.o = -xO1
# force C++ interpreter to be full optimization
OPT_CFLAGS/interpret.o = -fast -O4

ifeq ("${Platform_compiler}", "gcc")
# gcc
# _lwp_create_interpose must have a frame
OPT_CFLAGS/os_solaris_i486.o = -fno-omit-frame-pointer

but os_solaris_i486 is now os_solaris_x86


I guess those flag modifications are either redundant (covered 
elsewhere) or simply not needed ?

David Holmes
Senior Java Technologist
Java SE Real-Time & Embedded Group

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