Building OpenJDK with a more recent compiler

Tue Sep 16 14:49:10 UTC 2008

Hi All,

I'm working on getting the JDK7 build working on a Red Hat 4 Linux install, and have run into a problem. 

Unfortunately, the "gcc" install (v3.4.6) on my machine is not the version required by the build instructions.  Since I don't have root access on my box, I worked on pulling down a more recent version of gcc (v4.3.1) and building it for my Linux machine.  In order to build the gcc tool, I needed updated versions of two GNU libraries (GMP, MPFR).  Since I can't update /usr/lib with these libraries, I needed to use the --prefix option to build gcc.  

This works fine for building the compiler, but I run into a problem when I attempt a JDK7 build with ALT_COMPILER_PATH set.  While the setting allows me to specify the location of the new gcc binary, there doesn't appear to be a simple way to add any libraries that the new gcc is dependant on.  Setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH won't fix the problem, since the build scripts un-set that environment variable in the setup script.  

If I try setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH after running the "", the build itself fails, since having this environment variable around at all is considered a build failure.  

I've been able to setup and build OpenJDK on a separate Ubuntu install, but would still like to set this up on my Red Hat machine if possible.  

If anyone has any thoughts on how I can work around this issue, that would be a big help.  Have anyone seen any uses of ALT_COMPILER_PATH that run into this problem?  

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