Building OpenJDK with a more recent compiler

Dalibor Topic Dalibor.Topic at Sun.COM
Tue Sep 16 18:53:52 UTC 2008

> This works fine for building the compiler, but I run into a problem
> when I attempt a JDK7 build with ALT_COMPILER_PATH set.  While the
> setting allows me to specify the location of the new gcc binary, there
> doesn't appear to be a simple way to add any libraries that the new
> gcc is dependant on.  Setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH won't fix the problem,
> since the build scripts un-set that environment variable in the setup
> script.
Hi Bob,

that's probably because GMP and MPFR have been built as dynamic
libraries. I'd suggest rebuilding them as static libraries, and then
reconfiguring and rebuilding gcc with them.

dalibor topic

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