OpenJDK6: Bug in genlocales.gmk

Kelly O'Hair Kelly.Ohair at Sun.COM
Wed Apr 1 17:02:14 UTC 2009

I'll get it.

Can someone in the OpenJDK commit list (
review this minor change for jdk6:

diff --git a/make/java/java/genlocales.gmk b/make/java/java/genlocales.gmk
--- a/make/java/java/genlocales.gmk
+++ b/make/java/java/genlocales.gmk
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ RESOURCE_NAMES="FormatData CollationData
         @$(ECHO) $(subst .java,'\n',$(Euro_Resources_java)) >> $@.tmp.euro;
         @$(ECHO) $(subst .properties,'\n',$(NonEuro_Resources_properties)) > $@.tmp.noneuro;
         @$(ECHO) $(subst .java,'\n',$(NonEuro_Resources_java)) >> $@.tmp.noneuro;
-       NAWK=$(NAWK) SED=$(SED) $(SH) $(LOCALEGEN_SH) $(RESOURCE_NAMES) $@.tmp.euro \
+       NAWK="$(NAWK)" SED="$(SED)" $(SH) $(LOCALEGEN_SH) $(RESOURCE_NAMES) $@.tmp.euro \
                 $@.tmp.noneuro $< $@
         @$(RM) $@.tmp.euro $@.tmp.noneuro;


Georg Koppen wrote:
> Hi,
> some days ago I dwonloaded the OpenJDK6 sources from
> and tried to compile it on my
> Windows XP. Well, I succeeded finally but I found a bug in
> ~/jdk/make/java/java/genlocales.gmk. There "NAWK=$(NAWK)" should be
> changed to "NAWK="$(NAWK)"". Otherwise I get an error during compiling
> like "/bin/sh -v command not found".
> I don't know whether this problem still exists (didn't try mercurial)
> and I found no comment about it on the mailing list. If that's the case
> just ignore the mail and sorry for bothering you. But if not it would be
> nice if the one in charge for this part of the code corrects it,
> although it's not a major thing.
> Georg

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