New project: getting rid of IcedTea local patches

Andrew John Hughes gnu_andrew at
Thu Apr 9 19:27:03 UTC 2009

2009/4/9 Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at>:
> Andrew John Hughes wrote:
>> :
>>> icedtea-bytebuffer-compact.patch - this looks to be a partial fix to
>>> 6593946. If so, 6593946 is already in jdk6/jdk6/jdk
>>> (
>> IcedTea6 is still based on the last build drop of jdk6, not the
>> Mercurial repository.  So this 6 week old patch won't be in the 25th
>> of November b14 tarball.
>> Interestingly, it also still exists in IcedTea7 as there were cases
>> covered by the patch which didn't make it into the commit.
>> I've attached that version.  It was originally added by Keith Seitz
>> while he was working on OpenJDK at Red Hat (according to the
>> ChangeLog).
> Once the fix gets into a build (b16?) then I don't think you'll need the
> IcedTea6 patch.

Spot on, we need a new build drop (read tarball) to pick up the recent changes.
There hasn't been one since Nov. 2008.

Also, it does seem that the IcedTea6 patch is only a partial
> fix in that I don't see the changes for the view buffers.

Yeah, this is an old patch so I don't know all the origins, but it may
have been pushed upstream and revised in the process, or even
developed separately at Sun.  One has clearMark(), one has discardMark

I looked at the
> patch you attached in the last mail (is this the IcedTea patch to jdk7?).

Yes, it's the leftovers after I took out the bits in upstream OpenJDK7
(last build against b50).

> It
> seems to be a no-op, or at least just replaces setting of mark to -1 with
> calls to discardMark that does the same thing. Nothing wrong with it, just
> inconsistent with the existing code.

Yeah I agree, it's not a must have.  I meant to actually raise this at
the time, but never got round to it obviously.  Using discardMark is
perhaps a little cleaner/maintainable, but has the downside of adding
an extra method dispatch.

> -Alan.

Andrew :-)

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