hg: jdk7/build/langtools: 6829575: 100028: Debug information is incomplete or missing

Xiomara Jayasena Xiomara.Jayasena at Sun.COM
Mon Apr 20 15:56:01 UTC 2009

End of today is the code freeze for the build integration area.  The 
last putback (Bug ID: 6829575) broke the windows builds. 

Chris Hegarty's (SCTP feature) is in the build integration area so the 
changes from there need to be pushed to the master prior to build 56. 
Please address the above problem by the end of today, otherwise the 
original code for 6829575 would need to be backed out.


Andrew Haley wrote:
> Jonathan Gibbons wrote:
>> Andrew Haley wrote:
>>> I'm going to change langtools/jaxp/jaxws to
>>> ifeq ($(DEBUG_CLASSFILES), true)
>>>   ANT_OPTIONS += -Djavac.debug=true
>>>   ANT_OPTIONS += -Djavac.debuglevel=source,lines,vars
>>> endif
>> Yes.  If all you want to do is to provide a consistent way of enabling
>> all debug info in classfiles, then I agree with this proposed change.  
>> I'm sorry, I misread the earlier email and confused Kelly's proposed
>> change  with your actual changeset.
> I cannot tell whether this reply from Jonathan is sufficient permission
> for me to commit this change.  I guess it is, but as this is my first
> commit I'm not sure exactly what the policy is.
> I know that my previous patch somewhat broke debuginfo, so I want to fix
> it ASAP, but I don't want to break approval policy.  Damned if I do, and
> damned if I don't...
> Andrew.

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