Request for approval: file fallout from 100028 patch

Xiomara.Jayasena at Sun.COM Xiomara.Jayasena at Sun.COM
Mon Apr 20 23:17:01 UTC 2009

On 04/20/09 11:10, Andrew Haley wrote:
> Andrew Haley wrote:
>> Kelly O'Hair wrote:
>>> I created the sun bug for this. (Sure wish someone would fix jcheck...  ;^)
>>> 6832141: Bug 100045 -  Fix for 100028 breaks debug info for class files
>>> Looks ok to me.
>>> Xiomara would like to integrate the build forest to jdk7/jdk7 (master
>>> forest)
>>> today or tomorrow, so we'll need this fix in for that.
>>> Is that a problem?
>> Not at all.  I'll push it now.
> Pushed.  I have no idea whether this fixes Xiomara's Windows problem or not.

Those last putbacks broke the build at a different point :-(.  Maybe we 
should wait until Kelly can take a look before trying another push again.

# Java sources to be compiled: (listed in file 
# Running javac:
C:/jdk1.6.0/bin/javac -J-XX:ThreadStackSize=768 -J-XX:-PrintVMOptions 
-J-XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -J-XX:-LogVMOutput -J-client -J-Xmx896m 
-J-Xms128m -J-XX:PermSize=32m -J-XX:MaxPermSize=160m -g -source 1.5 
-target 5 -encoding ascii 
-d C:/BUILD_AREA/jdk7/build/windows-i586-fastdebug/classes 
type parameters of <T>T cannot be determined; no unique maximal instance 
exists for type variable T with upper bounds T,com.sun.tracing.Provider
        return provider.newProxyInstance();
..\..\..\src\share\classes\sun\tracing\ type 
parameters of <T>T cannot be determined; no unique maximal instance 
exists for type variable T with upper bounds T,com.sun.tracing.Provider
        return provider.newProxyInstance();
type parameters of <T>T cannot be determined; no unique maximal instance 
exists for type variable T with upper bounds T,com.sun.tracing.Provider
        return provider.newProxyInstance();
type parameters of <T>T cannot be determined; no unique maximal instance 
exists for type variable T with upper bounds T,com.sun.tracing.Provider
        T proxy = jsdt.newProxyInstance();
4 errors
gnumake[5]: *** [.compile.classlist] Error 1
gnumake[5]: Leaving directory `C:/BUILD_AREA/jdk7/jdk/make/sun/tracing'
gnumake[4]: *** [all] Error 1
gnumake[4]: Leaving directory `C:/BUILD_AREA/jdk7/jdk/make/sun'
gnumake[3]: *** [all] Error 1
gnumake[3]: Leaving directory `C:/BUILD_AREA/jdk7/jdk/make'


> Andrew.

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