Command line acceptance of binary plugs license?

Andrew John Hughes gnu_andrew at
Sun Aug 2 02:42:18 UTC 2009

2009/8/2 Max (Weijun) Wang <Weijun.Wang at>:
> On Aug 2, 2009, at 6:55 AM, Joseph D. Darcy wrote:
>> Vinod Kutty wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm trying to build openjdk7-ea-b67, so I downloaded the self-extracting
>>> binary plugs and tried to extract it.
>> You no longer need the binary plugs to perform an openjdk=true build.
> Oh, I've never heard about this before. (Sorry, I normally only do control
> builds).
> Then what is jdk-7-ea-plug-b67-linux-i586-30_jul_2009.jar on
> Is it becoming an optional part in a
> OpenJDK build? Do we have alternative implementation for the functions in
> the binary plug?
> Thanks
> Max
>> -Joe
>>> Unfortunately, it assumes a graphical environment for the license
>>> agreement and will not proceed further.
>>> Surely there must be a way to interact with the license agreement on the
>>> command line, similar to how the self-extracting pre-built Sun JDK builds
>>> do?
>>> I'd appreciate instructions on how to do so.
>>> Thanks,
>>> --
>>> VK


The binary plugs are only now needed for the SNMP plugin, which is
optional and not part of the Java specification.  Everything else has
been replaced by Free alternatives.

Andrew :-)

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