building (or not) OpenJDK 7 on Mac OS X

Ray Kiddy ray at
Thu Dec 10 23:26:06 UTC 2009

On Dec 10, 2009, at 3:00 PM, Kelly O'Hair wrote:

> Andrew John Hughes wrote:
>> 2009/12/10 Ray Kiddy <ray at>:
>>> On Dec 10, 2009, at 9:05 AM, Andrew John Hughes wrote:
>>> 2009/12/10 Ray Kiddy <ray at>:
>>> I just wanted to update build people on this issue. There are  
>>> pages on the
>>> <snip>

>>> If I do "hg fupdate" in the bsd-ports directory, I get nothing new  
>>> and if I
>>> do "hg tags", I get
>>> % hg tags
>>> tip                              153:d7f4d0dd8d30
>>> jdk7-b74                         150:2c88089b6e1c
>>> ...
>>> So i think I am current.
>> Yeah, sounds like the BSD tree is not yet up-to-date with mainline
>> OpenJDK (b77).
> Just to be clear...  with mercurial...
> The command 'hg fupdate' does NOT pull changes from the parent.
> You need to do a 'hg fpull -u' to get the latest changes in the  
> parent.
> Both the hg update and hg tags commands are just telling you about  
> what
> you have in your repositories, it tells you nothing about being 'up  
> to date'
> with the parent repositories.
> Just making sure....
> -kto

Yes, I think that was my problem. Too much svn-ism....

- ray

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