OpenJDK linking error

Peng Du imdupeng at
Tue Jan 13 00:46:05 UTC 2009

Hi, Kelly

After a bit of messing with OpenJDK, the compilation finally succeeded,
though I don't fully understand all the hows and whys? 

Here are what I've done: I kept only one libstdc++ and uninstalled the
other versions. Also, I installed both the devel and static-devel
packages of libstdc++. 

Then, some libraries are missing, like libXtst, libx11, and etc.
Installed the devel version of them. Then, the "java" from the local
bootstrap OpenJDK threw a Segmentation Fault. As a resort, I switched to
the Sun JDK and after long time of compiling, everything worked

My thanks should be given to you, Andrew, and Weijun. Thank you all for
your kind help! 



On Mon, 2009-01-12 at 09:36 -0800, Kelly O'Hair wrote:
> "Waiting for a solution"?
> You mean "still looking for a solution"?  Your wait could be a long one.
> ---
> Anytime you install new rpm packages, you should always build completely
> from scratch. Run 'make clean'.  Did you do that?
> In what I have seen of this problem, it looks like a cascading problem,
> some library didn't build properly but for some reason, the build is continuing
> and causing further problems. You need to look at the complete log of the build
> and find the first thing that has gone wrong. Zero in on the first problem.
> And send more specifics when you have a failure, at a minimum
> we need specific cut&paste from the log file or make output to understand
> what is going on.
> Remember this is an open source project, and an all volunteer army.
> -kto
> Peng Du wrote:
> > Thanks, Andrew
> > 
> > I do have libstdc++-devel installed. 
> > 
> > =======================================================
> > [peng at localhost openjdk]$ rpm -qa | grep libstdc++
> > libstdc++-devel-4.3.2-3mnb2
> > libstdc++6-4.3.2-3mnb2
> > libstdc++5-3.3.6-4mdv2009.0
> > libstdc++5-devel-3.3.6-4mdv2009.0
> > =======================================================
> > 
> > Thanks! Still waiting for solution. 
> > 
> > Peng
> > 
> > 
> > On Mon, 2009-01-12 at 17:02 +0000, Andrew Haley wrote:
> >> Peng Du wrote:
> >>> Thanks, Weijun
> >>>
> >>> However, the problem is still not resolved even if I've installed
> >>> libstdc++ from my distribution: 
> >> There's probably a libstdc++-devel package.
> >>
> >> Andrew.
> >>
> > 

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