mkdemo and NO_IMAGES

Max (Weijun) Wang Weijun.Wang at Sun.COM
Sat Jun 20 09:14:43 UTC 2009

On Jun 8, 2009, at 11:43 PM, Kelly O'Hair wrote:

> Max (Weijun) Wang wrote:
>> Two questions:
>> 1. Why is the demo directory always rebuilt even if I haven't  
>> touched it?
> The demos are built with the jdk you just created, so in theory, any  
> change
> to the built jdk would require all the demos to be rebuilt.
> Not sure how it detects this 'jdk has changed', would need to look  
> closer at it.

How about a new flag to turn it off? With a small change made in JDK,  
most of the rebuilding time is on demos and samples.

diff -r 77367060d119 make/Makefile
--- a/make/Makefile
+++ b/make/Makefile
@@ -239,7 +239,12 @@

  all build:: sanity-all post-sanity-all

+ifndef NO_DEMO
  SUBDIRS    = tools java javax org sun sunw com jpda mkdemo mksample  
+SUBDIRS    = tools java javax org sun sunw com jpda launchers
  all build::


>> 2. Even if I set NO_IMAGES=true, why is the images still built?
> Try also setting DEV_ONLY=true. I think these are tied together for  
> some
> historic reason.
> -kto
>> I run make on the top directory, i.e. the control build.
>> Thanks
>> Max

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