Mario Torre mario.torre at aicas.com
Tue Jun 23 12:31:43 UTC 2009

Hello all!

I have a problem with a block of code that checks if _LITTLE_ENDIAN is 
defined, the code is in little cms and looks like:

#define USE_BIG_ENDIAN   1

The issue that I have is that on VxWorks, the target I'm working on, 
there is always a definition of _LITTLE_ENDIAN, just the value change in 
case of big/little endiannes, and this in my case ends up conflicting 
with the code in the JDK.

I started to replace all the _LITTLE_ENDIAN to be OPENJDK_LITTLE_ENDIAN, 
and as I think this is nice to have in OpenJDK and will improve 
portability, I would like to discuss the issue with whoever is 
interested (cc some mailing list here, sorry for cross posting).

Other occurrences of the _LITTLE_ENDIAN define are:


plus some other little places.

I need to prepare a patch for that, but before I would like to have some 
suggestion or if you are not interested at all, I'll just fix the 
specific code that we use and not care about all the references.

Mario Torre, Software Developer, http://www.jroller.com/neugens/
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