Mario Torre
mario.torre at aicas.com
Tue Jun 23 22:25:09 UTC 2009
Il 23/06/2009 23:51, Roman Kennke ha scritto:
> Hi,
>> Someone would need to make darn sure that ALL uses of the old
>> name have been changed. I counted 362 references to this variable
>> in the openjdk7 repositories, I assume a similar number in openjdk6.
>> The closed jdk sources have an additional 13 references to this
>> _LITTLE_ENDIAN name Sun would need to change too.
>> Do you really want to change 362+ lines for this name change?
> Surely not. I haven't counted and I blindly assumed we talk about lcms
> only here. Sorry. In this case I would revert to #undef _LITTLE_ENDIAN
> or -U_LITTLE_ENDIAN on platforms that do crazy stuff. No code changes
> needed then...
-U_LITTLE_ENDIAN is not going to help, because those crazy platform
define this anyway... for one reason or another, this gets in the way of
those files, and causes the problem I mentioned. We have seen this
already with MiniX, you remember it?
Roman, maybe we should introduce some big macro instead ;)
In any case, I agree this is my problem, there is nothing wrong in the
JDK code, I just think it would be more portable with this refactored a bit.
Mario Torre, Software Developer, http://www.jroller.com/neugens/
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