Binary blobs for older trees?

Andrew John Hughes gnu_andrew at
Wed Mar 4 22:11:29 UTC 2009

2009/3/4 Martin Buchholz <martinrb at>:
> The jdk7 builds at
> are for the non-open-source jdk7.
> The binary plugs for recent openjdk7 builds
> are available in non-obvious places like
> but b45 is the oldest available build.
> I would like to see all of the historically downloadable bits
> to remain available.  Current JDK sources for builds back to
> b20 or so are available via mercurial, but there's no way to
> build them properly without the binary plugs.
> Martin
> On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 09:19, Phil Race <Phil.Race at> wrote:
>> There's an archive here :
>> Its linked via
>> ->
>> ->
>> ->
>> Also we should sync the 2D repo
>> -phil.
>> Roman Kennke wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm trying to build the 2d-tree, but it fails because it's missing some
>>> jsound library. I recently updated my version of the binary blobs for a
>>> plain openjdk7 build, but it seems like the 2d-tree still requires an
>>> older version. Are older versions of the blobs available somewhere? I
>>> think it would be very useful, not only because some group trees lag
>>> behind, but also when somebody wants to build an older version of a
>>> current tree. (Ideally, I'd think the build system should offer to fetch
>>> a matching blob via ant's get-tag or wget...)
>>> /Roman

The 2D tree definitely needs to sync -- the jsoundhs binary plug has
gone from recent build drops (b46 on).
Andrew :-)

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