Where do COMPILER_VERSION and its ilk get set?

Ted Neward ted at tedneward.com
Sat Mar 28 02:57:29 UTC 2009



*** WARNING *** unrecognized cl.exe version 1500 (). Use FORCE_MSC_VER to

de automatic detection.

*** WARNING *** unrecognized link.exe version 900 (). Use FORCE_LINK_VER to

ride automatic detection.


Warnings from Hotspot make.. Where would I look to fix those?


Ted Neward | Principal Consultant, ThoughtWorks

Java, .NET, XML Services

Consulting, Teaching, Speaking, Writing

 <http://www.tedneward.com> http://www.thoughtworks.com |
<http://www.tedneward.com> http://www.tedneward.com



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