Round two Re: Please review fix for 6819847 [Re: [Fwd: Problems with building jmx for OpenJDK.]]
Joe Darcy
Joe.Darcy at Sun.COM
Tue Mar 31 20:56:20 UTC 2009
Andrew John Hughes wrote:
> 2009/3/31 Tim Bell <Tim.Bell at>:
>> I wrote:
>>> One question - if the user goes to the trouble to set any of
>>> (See the comments in jdk/make/common/Defs.gmk starting at line 127),
>>> should we assume they must really, really want the binary plugs and force
>>> IMPORT_BINARY_PLUGS=true? Or have them set it as well?
>>> I am thinking we shouldn't do this automatically. I notice in the logs
>>> that JPRT is setting these even when IMPORT_BINARY_PLUGS=false.
>> Review feedback convinced me to reverse that last statement.
>> Here is round two - please take a look:
>> With these changes the default behavior is as if IMPORT_BINARY_PLUGS=false
>> Unless the user explicitly sets any of the PLUGS variables:
>> Setting these will force IMPORT_BINARY_PLUGS=true
>> The other case is if a user outside the Sun network sets
>> IMPORT_BINARY_PLUGS=true. Here they will need to set one of the
>> ALT_..._BINARY_PLUGS variables to point to the plugs anyway.
> That suggests to me that outside Sun, there is no need for
> IMPORT_BINARY_PLUGS at all (i.e. its value is implied by the presence
> of one of the path variables). However, I assume it is needed inside
> Sun, for whatever reason.
The only remaining need for the plugs in either OpenJDK 6 or 7 is for
SNMP functionality. If there was an open source replacement of that
code, the plugs could go away altogether.
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