<Swing Dev> Request for review: Bug 100054: Make building the Nimbus look 'n' feel optional
Mario Torre
mario.torre at aicas.com
Fri May 15 10:46:23 UTC 2009
Il giorno ven, 15/05/2009 alle 09.53 +0100, Andrew Haley ha scritto:
> Andrew John Hughes wrote:
> > 2009/5/14 Kelly O'Hair <Kelly.Ohair at sun.com>:
> >> If the OpenJDK was able to build with jibx 1.1.6 or 1.2.1,
> >> or in general was able to build with more of the jibx versions
> >> (I don't know how hard that would be) does that change things?
> >
> > It would simplify things a little, yes. I'm not sure it's possible,
> > given builds with both older and newer versions fail for different
> > reasons. It seems the package doesn't attempt any kind of stable API.
> That surely is the key point.
> It doesn't matter how much we might want a specific version of JIBX,
> it isn't going to happen for Linux distributions. Distros generally
> pick a particular version of Package X, and if Package Y needs some
> other version of Package X then Package Y must be patched or dropped
> from the distribution.
> We are not in a position to dictate to a user exactly which version of
> JIBX will be installed on their system. Therefore, if JIBX is now a
> dependency of OpenJDK we'll have to find a way to make OpenJDK work
> with whatever versions of JIBX people choose.
> Andrew.
I second that, and don't like the idea of being able to disable Nimbus
because of this dependency.
Mario Torre, Software Developer, http://www.jroller.com/neugens/
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