Building 32-bit on 64-bit Linux without jprt.config?

David Holmes - Sun Microsystems David.Holmes at Sun.COM
Thu May 21 02:40:38 UTC 2009

jprt.config is used by our internal build/test system so I don't know 
why your changes were made there. Anyway the main changes would be in 
the top-level makefiles (possibly top-level of each sub-repository).

I've only done this for hotspot and then in an older version of the 
system. But the basic approach, as I recall, was to emulate the solaris 
approach and just make sure if LP=64 (or equivalent) is not set then use 
all the necessary 32-bit flags.

Ironically my changes were not applied to the JPRT side of things :) - yet.

David Holmes

Nicholas Riley said the following on 05/21/09 12:20:
> Hi,
> For a while I've been patching jprt.config to build 32-bit on a 64-bit 
> Linux machine, as was discussed back here:
> <
> ml>
> The exact patch I was using is:
> <>
> However, there's no more jprt.config in make or corba/make.  Where else 
> would be a good place to make this change now?
> Thanks.

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