Building 32-bit on 64-bit Linux without jprt.config?

Kelly O'Hair Kelly.Ohair at Sun.COM
Thu May 21 19:13:18 UTC 2009

Sorry if removing the jprt.config file caused you any grief.
David is right as to what they are used for.
Managing all the repository copies of jprt.config for all the
different jdk releases was becoming a pain, so I moved all these
files into the jprt system itself, their contents were very specific to jprt.
That removal/move was not intended to hide anything.

I had originally created the file
that could be used to prime the sh/bash/ksh/dash environment to build the jdk,
not sure who is using it.

Since the various tools and components needed can be just about anywhere,
it's hard to come up with shell logic that works for everybody on all
platforms and all situations.
I'm open to any new ideas on how to hand this.


Nicholas Riley wrote:
> In article <4A14E938.4040006 at>,
>  David Holmes - Sun Microsystems 
>  <David.Holmes at Sun.COM> wrote:
>> Sorry that flag should be LP64=1
> Thanks for the suggestions - it seems the patch to jprt.config isn't 
> necessary any more.  (I had somehow lost the corba patch and the way the 
> build was failing was confusing me.)

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